SH Rosary Altar Society

Mission Statement:

The purpose of this organization shall be to encourage and provide opportunities for the spiritual growth and development of the members, to foster social relations among the members, to develop an interest in parish affairs, and to support the interests of the parish.


 Women in any Parish eligible for membership upon paying annual dues. Annual dues are $10.00 payable in January.

 Goals: of the members are:

  1. To attend meetings
  2. To spend time in prayer for the spiritual welfare of Sacred Heart parish
  3. To attend Mass, receive Holy Communion and recite the rosary, as often as possible. 


  1. To support fellowship among women of the Parish and the opportunity to share time and talents in service to the parish community.
  2. A Mass is said for the intentions of the living members, of the Society, once a month.
  3. When a member dies, the Society has a Mass said for the member.
  4. All available members should try to attend the funeral of a deceased member and form an Honor Guard as the deceased enters and exits the Church. RAS medals should be worn at this time.

RAS Events:

  1. April Layette Program – Spring
  2. Crowning of Mary – May
  3. First Eucharist – May
  4. RAS Spring Brunch – May
  5. RAS meetings will be held at 4:00 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of the following months – February, March, April, May, September and October.  Generally, no meetings in January, June, July, August, November or December.
  6. Yard/Estate Sale – May or June
  7. Parish Pot Luck Dinner – June
  8. Snowflake Fair – December
  9. RAS Annual Christmas Party – December or January
  10. Homemade Cookie Tray Sale – December

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